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The Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) is a geographic information system for voyage planning and route monitoring to support the safety navigation of ships at sea. And in response to the latest revision of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), the International Maritime Organization (IMO) enforced the mandatory installation of the ECDIS by July 2017 according to vessel's category.(Requirements for the equipment and operation qualification are subject to approval from the country with which the ship is registered and recommendations from the classification society of the ship.)

The ECDIS onboard a ship uses information from the automatic identification system (AIS) and superposes the images with navigational chart information, thus accurately displaying dynamic information on other ships around. Also the ECDIS plays central roles in the safe navigation of the ship and provides safety functions, including the generation of warnings when the ship approaches dangerous areas. The ECDIS is useful for marine accident avoidance and serves as equipment indispensable to the safe navigation of ships.

Sophisticated user interface

The JMR-9200/7200 series incorporates a new user interface (named jGUI) for an intuitive, easy-to-use, simple menu system based on the display of icons. This interface always displays critical data in fixed positions on the screen while icon-based menu display informs users of corresponding functions straightaway. Furthermore, target tracking (TT) and AIS symbols feature a pop-up displays while mouseover on the target showing their main data at a glance.

Easy-to-use operating unit

The newly designed trackball supports all the operation of the equipment. Users will be alerted with alarms from the operating unit and color changes under situations that require attention. The radar incorporates dedicated function buttons and control knobs similar to those of conventional models. Furthermore, the radar will be operable like conventional models by connecting an optional operating unit that incorporates a full keyboard.

Regulations and major specifications

This equipment conforms to the requirements set out in the IMO's resolution MSC.191 (79) for display-related voyage information adopted in December 2004 and the IMO Resolution MSC.232 (82) for ECDIS performance standards adopted in December 2006.
Other specifications of the ECDIS are shown below.
  • Electronic chart display function : IEC 61174
  • Display-related voyage information : IEC 62288

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3. 개인정보의 보유 및 이용 기간
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