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JRC’s new JMA-9100 ARPA radar series integrates the latest leading technologies and represents a significant step change in terms of reliable performance and cost-effectiveness, making it one of the most advanced radar products available today.


Multiple and wide screen viewing is possible with the new JMA-900B. You can divide the chart screen into two sections, in which the same or different charts can be displayed. There is also a ‘look-ahead’ capability, especially useful in coastal areas. With the wide screen view function, an additional screen in the display area shows a segment of the chart, allows viewing at a glance.

Wide dynamic range receiver

The new JMA-9100 series integrates a wide dynamic range receiver that, compared to conventional models, significantly improves the differentiation of noise and targets under sea clutter. The radar system overcomes different sources of unwanted signals, maintaining a constant level of overall visible clutter.

More powerful than ever

The JMA-9100 incorporates three Tornado™ processors, which are exclusively developed and designed by JRC, bringing a new level of performance and reliability to radar operation. The new Tornado™ processors, which equal the power of twelve conventional processors, and advanced system architecture, make the JMA-9100 series probably the most sophisticated radar available today.


As set by IMO regulations, a Consistent Common Reference Point (CCRP) is a location on own ship, to which all horizontal measurements, such as target range, bearing, relative course/speed, closest point of approach, or time to closest point of approach are referenced. Where multiple antennas are installed, different position offsets for each antenna in the radar system should be applied with respect to the CCRP. If you switch between scanners (up to 8 possible - option), the information displayed is generated allows for consistency and uniform output. This new feature is easily accessible from the menu.


Optional interswitching up to 8 displays possible.


The second generation and patented Constaview™ is realized through the use of three high-speed processors (in-house Tornado™ technology). All info gathered by the radar is fully processed within a few milliseconds before displayed, generating a smooth image rotation when sailing in Head-Up mode. When changing to North-Up, the new radar image is displayed without any delay caused by the scanner rotation.

Target enhancement

Developed exclusively by JRC, TEF™ allows target enhancement relative to the target size. The smaller echoes are far more enlarged than bigger echoes, giving a better on-screen separation and identification.
TEF™ works by adding pixels to targets displayed on the radar image and allows a vastly improved degree of discrimination between targets. Sophisticated processing results in a proportional enhancement where the relative enhancement of smaller targets is greater than applied to larger targets.

Theme based navigation

With JRC’s new radar series you don’t have to settle for one constant setting throughout, integrating four navigation themes, facilitating the most optimized radar image, particularly valuable to the dynamically changing conditions. For specific areas, decide on coastal or deep-sea mode and for weather, JRC has a storm and rain mode integrated. JRC-designed themes are easy to customize, so you can adjust and set your radar image exactly as you want.

Flexible black box configuration

The radars are available in standalone and desktop version to suit your type of vessel. In the desktop version, the processor unit is the heart of the JMA-9100, and shares the same simple configuration as its predecessor, contributing to an enhanced system configuration. Optional TT (Target Tracking) function module with up to 100 targets, and or AIS interface can be built-in.

More built-in ergo-flexibility

The trackball is designed to work in perfect harmony with the operating system. One of the new features in this radar series is that you can effortlessly assign commonly used functions to the left mouse button, giving you the capability to access a preferred function without having to take your hand off the trackball. You can assign and reassign this multi-button with a range of operational features, which among others are AIS info, TT ACQ, show TT data, property, make mark.

Select a trail length

Other ship’s movement and speed can be monitored from length and direction of their trails, primary serving for collision avoidance. The JMA-9100 radar series integrates three different trail length modes, that will show a ship’s course instantly, a unique operational feature that allows for more flexibility. Example real-time processing.

New design

With its new case design, the keyboard of the JMA-9100 series allows you to carry out all radar operations simply by using the keyboard or on-screen by use of the trackball.
The responsive feel keys allow logical and precise operation and integrates function keys for one-touch access to EBL, VRM, GAIN, SEA and RAIN. This makes it easy to navigate through all common used tasks.

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2. 수집하는 개인정보의 항목 및 수집방법
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3. 개인정보의 보유 및 이용 기간
회사가 해당 서비스를 처리하는 동안 회원님의 개인정보는 회사에서 계속 보유하며 서비스 제공을 위해 이용하게 됩니다. 다만 사전에 알려드린 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후에는 수집된 개인정보는 예외사항이나 지체 없이 파기합니다.
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