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JRC's new IMO approved JMA-9172-SA, S-band Solid State radar, represents a new generation of marine radars, utilizing advanced signal processing technology to display targets with high accuracy while using a stabilized high-power solid state transceiver. The advanced radar functions and operation are based on JRC's successful JMA-9100 radar series.

Moving target detection

This solid state radar will easily detect moving targets in clutter compared to conventional radars.
A new Doppler filter at the heart of the solid state radar not only detects moving targets in clutter, but also determines and clearly displays them on the screen.
Moving target detection

Long range target detection

Advanced pulse compression with the 250 W solid state transceiver not only improves short range performance, but dramatically improves long range target detection while using only 1/100 of the power of a conventional radar.
Long range target detection

Advanced signal processing

JRC's new solid state architecture integrates an advanced signal processing technology that detects and displays information at a new level. These dedicated signal processing circuits are producing higher capability than a magnetron radar, and greatly exceeding detection performance. The solid state has a (peak) power of 250 W, superseding a typical marine radar in which the magnetron has a 30 kW power output.
Advanced signal processing


Optional interswitching (up to 8 displays) is possible with the JRC JMA-9100 series.

Select a trail length

Others ships movement and speed can be monitored from length and direction of their trails, primary serving for collision avoidance. The JMA-9172-SA integrates three different trail length modes, that will show a ship's course instantly. A unique operation features that allows for more flexibility. Example:
Select a trail length

Low maintenance transceiver

The radar integrates a highly reliable solid state transceiver in place of a life limited magnetron. The solid state radar provides higher reliability and performance and will keep maintenance costs to a minimum.
Low maintenance transceiver

No tuning and pre-heating

The transceiver, by virtue of its solid state design, requires no tuning and pre-heating. Transmission is available immediately after the power is turned on.

Remote Maintenance System (RMS)

JRC has the ability to cost-effectively monitor performance and functionality of the JMA-9172-SA while at sea, significantly reducing downtime and maintenance costs.
Remote Maintenance System (RMS)


The second generation and patented Constaview™ is realized through the use of three high-speed processors (in-house Tornado™ technology). All information gathered by the radar is fully processed within a few milliseconds before being displayed.

A smooth image rotation is generated when sailing in Head-up mode. When changing to North-up, the new radar image is displayed without any delay caused by the scanner rotation

Target Enhancement Function™

Developed exclusively by JRC, TEF™, allows target enhancement relative to the target size. The smaller echoes are far more enlarged than bigger echoes, giving a better on-screen separation and identification.
Target Enhancement Function™

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