

Home > JRC 제품 > Navigation > VDR (Voyage Data Recorder) > JCY-1900


Compliant with the latest performance criteria

In addition to the revised Voyage Data Recorder (VDR) performance standards MSC.333(90) which came into force on 1 July 2014, in line with the revised EPIRB performance standards MSC.494(104) which came into force on 1 July 2022, JRC welcomes or as we say in Japan, yōkoso, to our fourth generation VDR model, the JCY-1900. Having been involved in VDR development from the very beginning in 2001, this latest revision in the performance standards has allowed JRC to re-think, develop and design its latest model with the standard attention to detail for performance, reliability and long term competitive cost of ownership.

The required ones by the new performance standards

Equipped with two types of capsule of fixed and float-free type

Recording of 48 hours in both capsule of fixed and float-free type

Recording of 30 days/720 hours of recording control unit built-in media

Image recording of two radars, one ECDIS

Recording of AIS information

Audio recording of the minimum 2 ch in main microphone and audio recording of independent minimum 1 ch in the external wing microphone.

Recording independent of the microphone sound of the VHF call voice

Recording of the electronic logbook, electronic inclinometer, Thruster and BAMS information*1

*1: Only when it is mounted on a ship.

System operation, on a 7-inch display

Newly designed for the JCY-1900 is the 7-inch color LCD touch display which allows full system operation. Displaying various VDR alerts with detailed information, see what sensors are connected including status, view the latest recorded image data of radar and ECDIS and playback of audio tracks recorded from microphones.

Playback, ideal for crew training

JRC includes intuitive playback-software*2 that incorporates real-time monitoring functionality on the user PC. The data acquired can be displayed in both graphical and numerical format. Standard CSV (Comma Separated Values) data conversion enables easy and efficient exchange of information to shore e.g. via email. In addition, the playback-software is an ideal tool for crew training. Its ease of use and the freedom to survey a range of scenarios enhances the user's navigation skills.
*2: Playback-software supports Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10.

Remote maintenance, closer to you than ever

The new JRC VDR has a dedicated server integrated as standard to support our JRC proprietary Remote Maintenance System (RMS) using IP-routing technology to monitor status of navigation and radio communication equipment onboard, via JRC's FB or GX Inmarsat satellite communications systems, to establish a highly secure connection data link to the vessel. This allows a cost-effective determination of the operating status, software version numbers installed, etc., of the JRC equipment onboard whilst the vessel is at sea. Being able to diagnose a problem remotely, accurately, reliably and quickly, allows the ship owner to save one of the most precious commodities, time. JRC can make preparations at the next port for the necessary repair work, dramatically increasing the return to work status, using our comprehensive and well-trained global support network.

Built, around our MFD

The JCY-1900 is built around our revolutionary new Multi Function Display (MFD) which functions as radar and/or ECDIS. The unit supports a LAN video input with a maximum of 6 video signals, which allows a straightforward and seamless integration of our MFD, supporting multiple radars and paperless sailing with dual ECDIS.

Naturally, connecting our previous generation radar/ECDIS equipment or other third party radar/ECDIS are also possible, although may require additional hardware.

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ο 본 방침은 : 2023 년 1 월 1 일부터 시행ㆍ효력이 발생됩니다

1. 개인정보의 수집ㆍ이용 목적
회사 홈페이지를 통하여 수집한 개인정보를 다음의 목적을 위해 활용합니다. - 홈페이지 > 고객지원 > 문의 글에 의한 회신 - 홈페이지 > 해양콘텐츠 > KVH > 데모 요청에 의한 회신 - 본사 홍보메일(솔루션, 제품 홍보, 소식)

2. 수집하는 개인정보의 항목 및 수집방법
회사는 해당 서비스내의 본인 ‘동의’ 절차를 거쳐 수집합니다. 정보는 다음과 같습니다.
- 이름, 이메일
정확한 서비스를 위해 추가적인 정보제공이 필요할 경우 부가정보를 요청할 수 있습니다. 기입하신 정보는 해당서비스 제공이나 회원님께 사전에 밝힌 목적 이외의 다른 어떠한 목적으로도 사용되지 않음을 알려드립니다.

3. 개인정보의 보유 및 이용 기간
회사가 해당 서비스를 처리하는 동안 회원님의 개인정보는 회사에서 계속 보유하며 서비스 제공을 위해 이용하게 됩니다. 다만 사전에 알려드린 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후에는 수집된 개인정보는 예외사항이나 지체 없이 파기합니다.
- 글 등록자의 본인 개인정보의 삭제 요청 시 즉시 삭제
- 저장된 개인정보 삭제는 기록을 재생할 수 없는 기술적 방법으로 삭제됩니다.