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The powerfully built, all-in-one JFE-680 echo sounder integrates advanced depth data technology, displaying sub aqua conditions with startling effectiveness.


The all-in-one JFE-680 echo sounder integrates both connection box and printer, contributing to easy configuration.

Enhanced ergonomics

Among a wide range of new features, such as the various screen display options and paperless functionality, the JFE-680 echo sounder is suited to any number of operational criteria, thus continuing the tradition of enhanced user-friendliness and ergonomics.
Enhanced ergonomics

Enhanced depth data

JRC's enhanced depth data technology has three central presentation modes, i.e. standard, history and docking. Both standard and docking mode provide a wide range of information. This is stored in the memory for up to 24 hours. The history mode allows you to retrieve all memorized depth data to provide complete feedback.

IMO compliant

The JFE-680 provides detailed depth information and meets the IMO performance standard. All passenger ships and cargo ships exceeding 300GT are required to have a type approved echo sounder onboard. In addition, JRC is continuously developing and evaluating new products, based on future IMO requirements that will contribute to your future safety and navigation at sea.

Display modes

JRC's new standard in navigation echo sounding incorporates a 10.4-inch high visibility color TFT display. The innovative display modes allow you to select and view echoes in 8 colors or 8 levels of monochrome. The all-in-one JFE-680 echo sounder has a system-integrated thermal printer, providing the ship's log with valuable printouts if required.
Display modes

Flexible installation

The JFE-680 can be easily installed thanks to the integrated connection box and printer. The echo sounder can be used with one or two transducers, 50 kHz and 200 kHz, allowing you to operate both frequencies independently or simultaneously, or allows you to have a separate bow-stern depth read-out.

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