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The JUE-87 is a highly reliable mobile satellite data communication system, having the ability to handle commercial, operational and personal messages just as easily as distress and safety communications.

About the Inmarsat C system

JRC JUE-87 Inmarsat C is a digital satellite communication system whereby data can be encoded into digital format, whether text, numeric data from instruments or other information in digital format can be sent and received over the system. A simple user interface allows sending and receiving messages.

All-in-one Internally Mounted Equipment

The new Internally Mounted Equipment (IME) with display features a high brightness color LCD with an extra wide viewing angle.

Data terminal unit is integrated into the Inmarsat C IME allowing for a straightforward installation approach and is ready for our Remote Maintenance System (RMS).


The USB 2.0 port located on the front panel allows you to connect a mass storage device to save and load messages.

The display

Our new IME with 10.4-inch display features a color display with a variety of coloring menus. Factory default color is Ocean Day. The LCD gives you a bright picture with excellent color consistency, even when you're viewing the display from the side.


Enhanced Group Calling (EGC)

JRC total Inmarsat C solution incorporates the capability known as Enhanced Group Calling (EGC), which enables authorized information providers to broadcast international safety and commercial service messages to selected groups of ships. EGC is available as standard on the JUE-87 terminal.


Your vessels ID, date/time and the present position, course and speed is acquired manually or automatically from the integrated GPS receiver, or the vessel's navigational interface, allowing you to send a distress alert simply by pressing and holding the dedicated built-in distress button, either on the IME or a separate unit.

Distress alert

Your vessels ID, date/time and the present position, course and speed is acquired manually or automatically from the integrated GPS receiver, or the vessel's navigational interface, allowing you to send a distress alert simply by pressing and holding the dedicated built-in distress button, either on the IME or a separate unit.

LRIT as standard

The JUE-87 Inmarsat C model comes standard with Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT), an IMO required global monitoring system of the ship's movement. The purpose of LRIT is to increase maritime domain awareness and to improve maritime security.

SSAS add-on kit

The Ship Security Alerting System (SSAS) is a system that contributes to the IMO's efforts to strengthen maritime security and suppress acts of terrorism and piracy against shipping. In case of attempted piracy or terrorism, the vessel's SSAS function can be activated, and appropriate law-enforcement or military forces can be alerted if necessary.


New Externally Mounted Equipment

A completely new design of Externally Mounted Equipment (EME), compliant to RoHS, offering a new level of accuracy with a high performance Radio Frequency (RF) filter built in. It has the same cable management philosophy resembling all other Inmarsat products, requiring only a single coax cable between EME and IME.


The JUE-87 offers all the interfacing you need with Junction Box 1 (JB1) integrated in the bracket. In case of flush mounting, the bracket and Junction Box can be easily separated from the IME.

New accessories

Along with our introduction of the new JUE-87, we introduce new accessories that compliment our unified design approach.

New power supply

JRC is introducing a new external power supply, half the size of the power supply found in the previous generation JUE-85 including a 65 % weight reduction.

Self diagnosis

JRC JUE-87 Inmarsat C Mobile Earth Station(MES) incorporates various self-diagnostic programs to facilitate maintenance and troubleshooting, reporting any possible problems it might suffer. The results are displayed on the display of IME.

These functions allow for easy maintenance and more reliability. In addition, automatic testing for performance verification and commissioning via the satellite channel is also available.

Remote Maintenance System (RMS)

JRC's unique RMS allows remote monitoring of bridge equipment from ashore. Using JRC VDR and Inmarsat FB satellite communication equiipment, JRC can establish a highly secured connection to the vessel and cost-effectively and accurately determine the operating status of the JRC equipment while at sea.

JRC's RMS just got better with the addition of the new JUE-87 which allows connected satellite communication equipment's, such as JUE-251 & JUE-501, status to be polled from the shore.

JRC global service network (Star Network)

JRC has been providing sales and support of products.
Today, JRC offers comprehensive assistance through its organisation, in partnership with a worldwide StarNetwork of over 200 fully trained and qualified partners and agents, assisting you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year.

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3. 개인정보의 보유 및 이용 기간
회사가 해당 서비스를 처리하는 동안 회원님의 개인정보는 회사에서 계속 보유하며 서비스 제공을 위해 이용하게 됩니다. 다만 사전에 알려드린 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후에는 수집된 개인정보는 예외사항이나 지체 없이 파기합니다.
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