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VHF/UHF Radiophone


Marine VHF radiotelephone JHS-800S

Our new 5-inch touch screen controlled Class A VHF radio (JRC model JHS-800S) featuring a uniform, corporate design with manual-free operation. The all-in-one unit (control unit with speaker, radiotelephone and DSC) has high sensitivity performance, Hi-Fi output and protection rate of IP56.
- Easy operation - Up to 4 remote controllers

- 5-inch color LCD touch display - All-in-one design
- Class A DSC complying latest GMDSS requirement - New designed speaker and handset
- High quality sound (Hi-Fi audio) - BluetoothR interface for wireless speaker mic
- Easy to install by compact design - Waterproof design (IP56)


This equipment has standard functions that include regular radiotelephone and DSC (digital selective calling) for distress transmissions, as well as functions to playback and record radio calls in real-time and an easy-to-operate self-diagnosis function.

Touch display

As of February 2019 the JHS-800S is the world's first Class A marine VHF radio-telephone featuring a 5-inch high-brightness color LCD touch screen, which makes it an outstanding innovative design.

The backlights of the LCD screen with a wide viewing angle and the operation buttons are fully adjustable, preventing interference while keeping night watch.

VHF-MFD Linkage Function

About VHF-MFD Linkage Function

This function facilitates the making of DSC general individual calls from an AIS target on the radar PPI screen of the JMR-9200/7200 series or on the ECDIS chart of JAN-9201/7201. When a 16ch call is used, the called ship may not notice the call since a common channel is used. This function enables the making of a call directly to a target ship only.

A target ship may not notice the call since a call is made to the unspecified recipient.

A target ship may not notice the call since a call is made to the unspecified recipient.

"Quick call" by VHF-MFD interface*1

A DSC general individual call can be made easily from an AIS target on the radar PPI screen or the ECDIS chart.

1. Select an AIS target on the radar/ECDIS screen.
2. Call an intended ship by pressing the "Call" button on the VHF Call screen.
*1: Supported by JAN-9201/7201 and JMR-9200/7200 series.

"Call flexibility" through VHF-MFD interface

Combined with the BTR-155 (optional) Bluetooth®*2-connected wireless speaker microphone, the user can talk to the caller while looking at the screen or ECDIS screen. While movements are restricted in the conventional VHF wireless telephone set by the limitation of the length of the handset cord, with this function, a call can be carried out by moving freely within the bridge as long as it is within the Bluetooth communication area.

Wireless speaker microphone BTR-155

Example of a call using wireless speaker microphone BTR-155

*2: The call distance is up to 10 m. Our test values are not guaranteed values.

Voice recording

The received voice recording (up to 8 minutes) and playback function enables later confirmation or temporary saving of communications.


The digital audio amplifiers, equalizer function for deep-normal-high voice, specially designed speakers and new handset offer superior sound quality. A remote standalone microphone and pedalswitch can be connected to via a junctionbox. It is possible to operate the VHF with optional controllers up to 100 m away from the bridge.




Marine VHF Radiotelephone JHS-800S
Mass : Approx.2.1 kg

Antenna 7ABJD0004
Mass : Approx.0.3 kg

VHF controller NCM-980
Mass : Approx.0.9 kg

Handset NQW-980
Mass : Approx.0.45 kg

AC/DC power supply NBD-965
Mass : Approx.2.1 kg

Handset connector box NQE-1845
Mass : Approx.0.5 kg

Handset connector box NQE-1846
Mass : Approx.1.1 kg

Handset connector box NQE-1847B
Mass : Approx.0.3 kg

Printer RP-D10
Mass : Approx.0.85 kg

Printer power supply NBG-980
Mass : Approx.1.0 kg

External speaker NVS-423R
Mass : Approx.1.1 kg

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