

Home > JRC 제품 > Navigation > GPS/DGPS Receiver/Navigation > JLR-7600/7900


The JLR-7600 GPS navigator will locate your position fast and with high accuracy, keeping the unit compact and easy to install.


Up to 1,000 waypoints can be stored in the internal memory. All waypoints can be named and renamed up to sixteen characters. You can make 20 routes with 50 waypoints per route, which can be entered randomly, and there's room for 2,000 points for ships' track and up to 1,000 for events and marks..

Satellite integrity check

Our proven sensors include RAIM, which is to access the integrity of GPS signals. If multiple satellite signals are picked up, this system will check if the position fix is consistent with the computed position, assuring higher reliablity than conventional methods.

Flexible data and dimmer share

The display of the JLR-7600 can be purchased separately as Multi Info Display (MID). It allows full NMEA0183 data share for up to 10 displays and can be flexibily installed. The same applies for dimmer share. By changing the intensity on one of the units, it automatically shares the new settings to the other displays. Sample:
In this sample, the display with ID4 receives data (RS-422) from sensor or optional junction box and outputs vessel position data (RS-485) to all connected display. Dimmer share has been separated in two groups, whereas group 1 can be operated by external dimmer and group 2 is linked pressing the button on the display.

Uniform operation

In keeping with the company’s philosophy of an easy to use Man Machine Interface, the new generation displays have allowed JRC’s engineers to develop an exciting new software approach for uniform operation.

Clear view

Multiple display modes are available from the menu with main data displayed in large characters for easy reading. You can easily switch at your own convenience, particularly useful when a situation requires specific information.

Power distribution

Also, one of the new features is DC power distribution. When powering one of the displays, this daisy chain concept distributes power to two additional units, which allow for an easy, flexible and economical installation approach.

Long LCD life

Also, one of the new features is DC power distribution. When powering one of the displays, this daisy chain concept distributes power to two additional units, which allow for an easy, flexible and economical installation approach.

Dual color LED backlight

The JRC MID incorporates many display modes readily available on a highly visible 4.5-inch LCD display. Besides the display being fully dimmable and having backlit keys, it features dual LED backlight (white and orange), making it easy to operate in various light settings on the bridge.

Proven sensor

The sensor, also used with the JLR-7500 series has been well proven in the market. The base of the sensor is designed for easy installation, either on a pole or on a extension mast. The base also include a slot allowing for easy cable management, significantly reducing installation time.


No flush mount kit

With JRC's new design approach, a flush mount kit is not required and screws are nicely concealed behind the front cover.



Interfacing is made easy and cost-effective. The display is equipped with three serial ports, each able to send or receive data. Simply connect the GPS sensor to the display and a cost-effective MED approved solution is born. In case extensive interfacing required, an optional junction box to enable external dimming, buzzer, connect a printer and naturally connnect to radar, ecdis, doppler current meter but also to JRC's Remote Maintenance System.

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3. 개인정보의 보유 및 이용 기간
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