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The 4.5-inch intelligent Multi Info Display (MID) features an aesthetic and harmonized design which is a new addition to JRC’s comprehensive product line.

Dual color LED backlight

The JRC MID incorporates many display modes readily available on a highly visible 4.5-inch LCD display. Besides the display being fully dimmable and having backlit keys, it features dual LED backlight (white and orange), making it easy to operate in various light settings on the bridge.

Data and dimmer share

This cost-effective concept allows full NMEA0183 data sharing for up to 10 displays. The same applies for dimmer share. By changing the intensity on one of the units, it automatically shares the new settings to the other displays.

Power distribution

Also, one of the new features is DC power distribution. When powering one of the displays, this daisy chain concept distributes power to two additional units, which allow for an easy, flexible and economical installation approach.

A greener product

JRC recognizes its responsibility as a global corporation and is continually striving to reduce environmental impact. The NWZ-4610 is designed to suit our eco symbol marking.


Uniform operation

In keeping with the company's philosophy of an easy to use Man Machine Interface, the new generation displays have allowed JRC's engineers to develop an exciting new software approach for uniform operation.

User modes

You can pre-set three different user modes and at the same time easily switch between the chosen modes. Additionally, up to six different screen layouts can be allocated per mode, which allows you to switch at your own convenience, particularly useful when a situation requires specific information.

Long LCD life

Also, one of the new features is DC power distribution. When powering one of the displays, this daisy chain concept distributes power to two additional units, which allow for an easy, flexible and economical installation approach.

No flush mount kit

With JRC's new design approach, a flush mount kit is not required and screws are nicely concealed behind the front cover.


Interfacing is made easy and cost-effective. The display is equipped with three serial ports, each able to send or receive data. Not only can it repeat many different types of data, you can also turn the unit into a MED* type approved (D)GPS or speed log. The software is integrated in the unit, so by simply connecting the appropriate sensor/peripherals, a costeffective unit is born, which allows for even more redundancy onboard your vessel.


The NWZ-4610 incorporates eight different alarms and for each you can set particular values. The alarm will go off (sound and/or LCD backlight color change) when a preset value is over, under, in or out of range. The alarm history can be exported to PC*, and after completion, output data port returns to your saved settings automatically.
*Using Data (RS-422)
1. Speed
2. Trip
3. Water temp
4. Depth
5. Wind
6. Air temp
7. Pressure
8. Humidity

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3. 개인정보의 보유 및 이용 기간
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