

Home > JRC 제품 > Navigation > Smart Ship Initiatives > SSV
Smart Ship


Efficient, safe,and secure operation management

This service enables checking at any time the status of managed ships from the management company office by installing our equipment in ships with high-speed satellite communication equipment such as FX installed. The service thereby contributes to economical, safe, and secure navigation management.

Service Items

Ship Monitoring Service

This ship monitoring service*1 allows you to browse the movements of managed ships and the status of JRC equipment from the management company office. This service also contributes to efficient navigation management and avoidance of unexpected equipment problems. To use this service, a combination of JRC's VDR and J-Marine NeCST is fundamentally recommended as the configuration.

*1: The information that can be monitored varies according to t he configuration of the equipment that are installed. However, the service is partially available with JRC equipment only.

VDR Data Download Service

This service*2 allows you to obtain data that is stored in JRC's VDR/S-VDR (ship speed, steering, engine information, etc.), which is installed in the ship, from the land via J-Marine Cloud. The data that is obtained can be reproduced by using the VDR Real Time Monitor software*3. This service contributes to confirmation of navigation status of the ships and checking of the condition of any accident quickly without the need for any intervention of the crew upon occurrence of the accident. To use this service, JRC's VDR is required.

*2: To use this service, JCY-1900 or S-VDR JCY-1950 is required.

*3: Dedicated software of JRC, attached to VDR/S-VDR as the standard, Please contact us.

Data Sharing Service

By storing navigational plan t hat are created by using J-Marine NeCST in J-Marine Cloud, this service enables sharing of the information with J-Marine NeCST of other ships. The s ervice allows the workload reduction for situations such as creating a navigational plan along the same route. To use this service, J-Marine NeCST is required.

*1: The information that can be monitored varies according to t he configuration of the equipment that are installed. However, the service is partially available with JRC equipment only.

This screen and content may be subject to change
Service contract is required in advance to start this service

Course Deviation Monitoring Feature

New Feature(Implemented in April 2022)
In the past, the on-board ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display and Information System) was the only way to confirm if a ship was off course and to receive other alerts, but this new feature can be used to confirm the ship status even from the onshore side (SSV Mobile or SSV display screen). In the event of an anomaly, the ship can be contacted from the onshore side immediately, thereby helping to prevent accidents and respond quickly to other issues.

Decision Method

Specifically, there are two ways to link with the onshore side depending on the installed equipment (both features can be used for certain installed equipment).
1. Cloud-based
This is Recommended when you want to strictly control and be notified of any signs of course deviation. A cloud server calculates whether the current position of the ship (GPS position information) that is uploaded to the cloud is outside the preset route width. The route width can also be set by the onshore side operator, which is recommended when you want to strictly control and be notified of any signs of course deviation.

2. BAM Information-based Detection
This is also recommended when you want this information together with depth alerts and the other data shown in the following table. This is detection based on the cross track information from the ECDIS that is contained in the BAM (Bridge Alert Management) information, and this is also recommended when you want this information together with depth alerts and the other data shown in the following table.
Target Alert Name Old BAM Information New BAM Information
Cross Track Cross Track(Dev Ex)
  • Cross Track
  • Deviation From Route
Depth Alert
  • Depth below keel
  • Crossing depth area
Depth Alert
Crossing Safety Contour Crossing Safety Contour Crossing Safety Contour
Crossing a User Define Caution Object Crossing a User Define Caution Object Caution Symbol
Crossing a User define Warning Object Crossing a User define Warning Object Caution Symbol
Crossing a User define Alarm Object Crossing a User define Alarm Object Alarm Symbol

Examples of equipment configurations

Examples of ship-side equipment configurations Decision Method
configuration-1 Supports both cloud-based detection and BAM information-based detection.

Only cloud-based detection is available for configurations 2 and 3.

If your ships are installed a VDR made by another company, you can add JRC's J-Marine BOX or J-Marine NeCST made by JRC to enable support for cloud-based detection.
*1 VSAT is also available.


Examples of SSV Mobile and SSV Display Screens

Distance and Other Measurement Features

New Feature(Implemented in April 2022)
Three new features for managing the ship on the map are now available: measuring the distance and bearing between two points on the map, measuring the area and perimeter distance of a specified area on the map, and measuring the distance like an EBL and VRM. These features can be used to check the distance from the shoreline or other ships when the onshore side operator is monitoring the status, contributing to hazard prediction.

Bearing and Distance Measurement

Measures and displays the bearing and distance between two points on the map

Area and Perimeter Distance Measurement

Measures and displays the area and perimeter distance of a specified area on the map

EBL and VRM Measurement

Measures and displays the bearing and distance of an image on the radar screen

*EBL (Electronic Bearing Line): Used to measure the bearing to a target object.

*VRM (Variable Range Marker): Used to measure the exact distance to a target object.

Data Download Feature

New Feature(Implemented in April 2022)
The sensor information of each ship that is stored in the cloud can be downloaded in CSV format. This feature contributes to situational analysis, such as factor investigation, in the event of an accident.

Playback feature

It combines camera images, sensor information and Voyage information on J-Marine NeCST (route planning, user charts etc.). It is easy to obtain the situation at the time of arrival and departure or scenes that need to be reviewed. In addition, playback data can be download and displayed from SSV which is web application enables checking at any time the status of managed ships from the management company office.

Expanded functions(Implemented in April 2022)
The camera frame can now be zoomed in and out. In addition to the conventional features of displaying camera images and the ship's position and track, this feature also enables playback of AIS and sensor information acquired by the ship.

Information distribution feature

It allows land-based operators to send information to onboard J-Marine NeCST from SSV. It has made operator pushing navigational information to ENCs which are displayed on J-Marine NeCST. It provides easy shore-to-ship communication of instead of distribution by email and checking it with ECDIS. Furthermore, it also applies to playback data and allow you to share it with fleet each other.

Expanded functions(Implemented in April 2022)
When distributing information, this feature enables selection of the receiver and also checking of the estimated time required for distribution to each ship before starting distribution. This also enables the user to adjust when information will be distributed. It is also possible to check the distribution history and distribution status.

SSV Mobile

Obtain and Share Operation Status and Emergency Information of the Ship from Your Smartphone

It is possible to display a list of the ships you are managing on your smartphone. Besides the ship name, route and sensor data, you can also understand the occurrence of accidents and the status of our navigation equipment installed on the ship.

In addition, the SSV Mobile integrates with the Emergency function of our J-Marine NeCST installed on the ship. This enables rapid notification of emergencies directly to your smartphone, allowing for a swift response via direct messaging with the ship.


Fleet Viewer: Displays all managed ships on the map, with routes, tracks and AIS data.

Conning Display: Provides a view of sensor data and alerts, uploaded directly from the ship.

Weather & Oceanographic: Exhibits weather and oceanographic information.

Notifications History: Shows alert and emergency information, including chat history.

Fleet Viewe

Conning Display

Weather & Oceanographic

Notifications History


iOS compatibility: Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch with iOS12.0 or newer versions.
Apple, the Apple logo, iPad, and iPhone are Apple Inc.'s trademarks registered in the United States and elsewhere.
App Store is Apple Inc.'s service mark.
QR Code is Denso Wave Inc.'s registered trademark. Catal

System Configuration


Example of equipment configuration Product page



J-Marine NeCST

Inmarsat FX*

Example of equipment configuration Product page



J-Marine NeCST

Inmarsat FX*

Example of equipment configuration Product page


Inmarsat FX*

Example of equipment configuration Product page

Inmarsat FX*

*1: This service requires broadband communication such as Inmarsat FX (VSAT).


Fleet Viewer

List of services

*The services available depend on the configuration of the ship.
*Supporting with the new BAM (IEC 62923-1/-2) standard

Smart Ship Viewer/J-Marine BOX

J-Marine BOX

This box is to get and send data from connecting navigation sensors to J-Marine Cloud for the ships installing VDRs excepting JCY-1900/1950.

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2. 수집하는 개인정보의 항목 및 수집방법
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3. 개인정보의 보유 및 이용 기간
회사가 해당 서비스를 처리하는 동안 회원님의 개인정보는 회사에서 계속 보유하며 서비스 제공을 위해 이용하게 됩니다. 다만 사전에 알려드린 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후에는 수집된 개인정보는 예외사항이나 지체 없이 파기합니다.
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