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JRC translates their unique Japanese mindset of service and hospitality in many ways, one of which is in how we develop our quality products ensuring total value for users. The product needs to function as a reliable solution, or serve a specific purpose for our customers. And this is exactly how we started development of our new JUE-100GX Inmarsat Global Xpress 1m antenna model. Diverse and flexible, applicable and relevant to different markets on various types of large vessels. The JUE-100GX can be widely used for remote vessel monitoring, optimized route selection by Weather Routing, reduced fuel consumption, and can be complimented with JRC's maritime benefit package.

High speed

JRC is one of the world's longest-established companies in the field of marine electronics, and a pioneer in global mobile L-band satellite communications as Inmarsat's longest-serving manufacturing partner. From the beginnings of the maritime satellite communications era JRC has invested heavily in research and development year-on-year. With our new design of JUE-100GX Ka-band terminal and antenna delivering high-speed ship-to-shore data, JRC continues to offer a creative solution to the maritime industry while also serving the next smart shipping era.

Inmarsat Fleet Xpress is a system that combines the GX (Ka-band) and the FB (L-band). The GX and FB switches automatically depending on the weather and provides users with high-speed and stable communication at all times. The GX provides high-speed communication during fine weather, and the FB provides limited-speed but stable communication on rain fading.

Upgradable BUC

High-capacity data uploading is possible as the JUE-100GX can easily be upgraded with high throughput service by selecting 10W High Power Block Up Converter (BUC) system as an option at purchasing instead of the standard 5W. It uses the same antenna size, there is no need to replace the Below Deck Terminal (BDT) and no additional components are required.

Dual antenna

Take your operational efficiency to the next level by optionally extending the system with an additional antenna. Providing unsurpassed reliability, even with antenna blockage due to the hull structure (mast, funnel), users will experience good connectivity thanks to the automatic interswitching possibility.

Below Deck Terminal (BDT)

The all-new BDT has a build-in GX modem, power supply, 4-port switch, antenna controller and antenna selector. This 19 "1U size BDT can be easy to install in the FX rack, reducing installation time and costs.

Antenna Control Unit (ACU)

ACU is a device (option) required when operating with a dual antenna system. Like the BDT, it can be easily installed on the FX rack.

Remote assistance

JRC provides a responsive web interface to monitor, manage and control the antenna system from shore via satellite connection. The installation wizard automates this functions for system configuration so that operators are minimally involved in system installation and operation, including automatic cable loss compensation, line-up test and auto diagnostics. Maintenance operation such as software updates and alarm pack acquisition can now be performed without a service engineer visiting the ship. This way users are ensured of remote assistance when required and limit their operation downtime.

One-stop service contract

JRC offers separately a one-stop service contract including airtime contract, terminal installation and onboard LAN design and construction for satellite communication. Customers do not have to make separate arrangements and can just simply choose the best suited contract plan combined with the latest terminal while saving expenditure.


The JUE-100GX integrates RF and power cables into one coaxial cable. A single cable carries Tx, Rx, DC power, data and reference signals between the antenna and the BDT.


Above Deck Unit (ADU)
Mass : 110 kg (242.5 lbs)

Below Deck Terminal (BDT)
Mass : 5.7 kg (12.57 lbs)

Antenna Control Unit (ACU)
Mass : 5.2 kg (11.46 lbs)

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